Monday, April 20, 2009

Looking for answers.

The title of this blog "Never forget to question" is something that I like to tell myself as well as others around me. The comment is not so much directed to encourage people to question others but to while doing that also question themselves. I personally hold many presuppositions and make it a goal to, many times, question my own beliefs. I do not do this because I have no confidence in what I put my faith in but to increase the confidence that I already have if I come to a realization of more truth in what I believe. There is always the chance that what I believe can be wrong and being prepared to always question can keep one from being ignorant of errors in his or her own claims.

When it comes to my own beliefs many of them I do not state them with absolute certainty. Though many times I will choose to defend them from an absolute standpoint as to not seem as though I am sitting on a fence. There are some things which I believe can not be refuted and even if that were true that would not make what I believe true. I think that many things, especially that within the Christian faith/doctrine can not be conclusively proven. One may say that they feel as if they have a stronger case to their own belief but one must be careful to not state absolute certainty.

I have created this blog because I believe that one of the best ways to learn more is to converse with people whom disagree with you. If you agree with everyone that you meet you will never be challenged into defending your own beliefs. Here are a few things that I personally believe and hope to write about on this blog as I work through them myself with hopefully the help of any readers and their comments.

I am a Christian

I believe that God created the world as depicted in Genesis

I believe in predestination

I believe in paedobaptism

I believe abortion is wrong

I believe in the OT as being a historical account of the past and not a myth

Of course there are many other things which I hope to write about. I have recently begun a strong interest in Philosophy and plan to make many posts about what ever happens to be on my mind at the time.

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